What can be done about food waste?


What can be done about food waste?

What can be done about food waste?
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This Sept. 29 marks the fifth International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. Held under the theme “Climate Finance for Food Loss and Waste Reduction,” this year’s day highlights the link between food and our climate goals.

Indeed, the UN Sustainable Development Goal of halving food waste by 2030 will prove critical to cutting emissions and rising to the challenges of environmental sustainability.

The UN Environment Programme’s latest Food Waste Index Report estimates that in 2022 household and retail food waste accounted for 19 percent of all food available to consumers, while at the same time 783 million people were affected by hunger.

Households alone are responsible for generating 60 percent of all food waste. It is estimated that households waste the equivalent of at least one billion meals per day around the globe. This translates to approximately 1.3 meals per day for every individual affected by hunger.

Food waste is not something that occurs in rich countries alone. High-, upper-middle, and lower-middle-income countries differ in observed average levels of household food waste by just 7 kg, per capita, per year.

The world also faces a growing demand for a greater quantity, quality, and diversity of food. The global population is expected to grow from 7.2 billion in 2010 to more than 9 billion by 2050, with corresponding food demand predicted to increase by 60 percent.

Food waste contributes to climate change as it generates 8 to 10 percent of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.

Addressing food waste requires action on both an individual and a systemic level.

We must reimagine sustainable food systems that ensure the production and consumption of sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food, while also conserving the natural resources and ecosystems on which food systems depend.

We cannot tackle this problem without the necessary tools to measure it accurately. Reliable data is essential for making informed decisions and implementing effective solutions.

Countries should therefore use the Food Waste Index to consistently measure waste, establish strong national baselines, and track progress.

Unfortunately, only a handful of countries have gathered comprehensive food waste data, which is crucial for understanding the scope of the issue, identifying key problem areas, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

Behavioral change is also essential, supported by robust regulations that integrate food waste solutions into national strategies and promote a circular economy.

It is of utmost importance that financing is secured to combat food waste in the global effort to meet the climate goals and advance the 2030 UN SDGs.

Sami Dimassi

In West Asia, it is estimated that 100 to 150 kg per capita of food waste occurs at the household stage per year. The region suffers from severe climate stress, including high temperatures and water scarcity, and relies heavily on food imports to meet the nutritional needs of its citizens.

Meanwhile, the region’s cultural diversity, varied diets and traditions often complicate food management, resulting in increased levels of waste.

Furthermore, weak infrastructure, especially for cool storage, coupled with armed conflicts, hamper efforts to mitigate food waste.

Higher seasonal temperatures, extreme heat events, and droughts make it more challenging to store, process, transport, and sell food safely, often leading to significant volumes being wasted.

As of 2022, only 21 countries have included food loss and waste reduction in their national climate plans.

The upcoming 2025 revision process of the Nationally Determined Contributions and the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans are a key opportunity to raise climate ambition by integrating food loss and waste.

The UN Environment Programme has always played a crucial role in this regard, with successful campaigns such as the “Recipe of Change,” led by UNEP Regional Office for West Asia, which targets households, the hospitality industry, retail, and educational institutions.

During the month of Ramadan, in cooperation with the Hilton Hotels Chain, the campaign helped bring about a considerable reduction of food waste in hotel kitchens of 61 percent in 2023 and a further 21 percent in 2024, with a growing number of hotels joining the initiative.

We have proven that collective action can lead to substantial reductions in food waste.

Furthermore, we are committed to support the Global Cooling Pledge through working with our partners on implementing efficient cooling systems in the food supply chain, which can dramatically minimize waste.

As we mark the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, we stress that it is of utmost importance that financing is secured to combat food waste in the global effort to meet the climate goals and advance the 2030 UN SDGs.

Sami Dimassi is the UN Environment Programme’s representative and regional director for West Asia


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How NEOM Green Hydrogen Company is championing Saudi Arabia’s clean energy transition

How NEOM Green Hydrogen Company is championing Saudi Arabia’s clean energy transition
Updated 9 min 35 sec ago

How NEOM Green Hydrogen Company is championing Saudi Arabia’s clean energy transition

How NEOM Green Hydrogen Company is championing Saudi Arabia’s clean energy transition
  • NEOM is leading Saudi Arabia’s mission to become a top manufacturer and exporter of clean energy
  • The project aligns with Saudi Vision 2030, diversifying the Kingdom’s economy while cutting carbon emissions

RIYADH: As global efforts to combat climate change intensify, Saudi Arabia is making bold strides in green hydrogen production, positioning itself as a world leader in the manufacture and export of sustainable energy.

At the heart of this transformation is the NEOM Green Hydrogen Company, a key component of Vision 2030, the Kingdom’s blueprint for diversifying its economy away from oil and achieving sustainability.

Green hydrogen, produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, has emerged as a critical solution in the fight against climate change.

Unlike gray or blue hydrogen, which are produced from natural gas and emit carbon dioxide or require carbon capture technologies, green hydrogen offers a zero-emissions alternative that can be used across various sectors, from transportation to manufacturing and energy storage.

As part of Saudi Arabia’s long-term energy strategy, NGHC is harnessing the country’s abundant wind and sunshine to produce green hydrogen on a massive scale.

The initiative will not only help Saudi Arabia reduce its domestic carbon footprint but also position the Kingdom as a major global supplier of green hydrogen, helping other countries reduce their emissions.

Industries embrace solar panels for cost-effective, sustainable energy, reducing environmental impact, green industry and renewable energy. (Shutterstock)

In an exclusive interview with Arab News, Wesam Al-Ghamdi, CEO of NGHC, described how NEOM’s focus on green hydrogen aligned with the broader objectives of Vision 2030.

“We are proud to say that our vision is driven by Vision 2030,” he said. “Our product, our green ammonia, will be saving the world 5 million tons of carbon emissions.”

NGHC is set to be a cornerstone in Saudi Arabia’s green energy ambitions, producing up to 650 tonnes of green hydrogen daily using renewable energy from the vast solar and wind farms situated in NEOM — a futuristic city being built in northwest Saudi Arabia. 

Wesam Al-Ghamdi, CEO of NEOM Green Hydrogen Company. (Supplied)

Indeed, NEOM’s geographic position, with optimal sunlight and wind conditions, makes it an ideal hub for green hydrogen production.

At the core of NEOM’s green hydrogen initiative is cutting-edge technology. According to Al-Ghamdi, the company is focused on optimizing the scale of its operations.

“We are building the technology on a very optimized scale. Large scale compacts to lots of small hydrogen plants,” he said.

Late last year, NEOM started receiving wind turbines to power its green hydrogen plant in Oxagon, a floating industrial city under development on the coast of the Red Sea. (NEOM photo)

Additionally, NEOM’s Oxagon — the new high-tech industrial park — will host the Hydrogen Innovative Development Center to ensure the Kingdom stays ahead of evolving green energy technologies.

Al-Ghamdi stressed the entire development was designed with environmental considerations in mind. “Since we started the development and the design phase, we have been building the plant to be environmentally friendly,” he said.


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While some critics argue that large-scale hydrogen production could inadvertently create environmental challenges, NGHC’s leadership emphasizes the sustainable nature of the operation.

The company aims to produce hydrogen entirely through renewable energy sources, ensuring minimal environmental disruption.

“We are building the plant to be carbon-free. We are only producing hydrogen from solar and wind,” said Al-Ghamdi.

He further highlighted that environmental policies and procedures would remain central to the project as it evolved.

“For the future, the keyword is reinforcement,” he said. “We build our policy, procedures and framework around starting the operations and continuing the operations to be environmentally friendly.”


• Green hydrogen releases zero carbon dioxide and its only byproduct is water, making it the cleanest hydrogen fuel.

• By 2030, half of Saudi Arabia’s power will come from renewable sources, including green hydrogen.

• Saudi Arabia plans to invest more than $200 billion in renewable energy by 2030, boosting green hydrogen initiatives.

NGHC’s ambitions extend far beyond the borders of Saudi Arabia. The project aims to position the Kingdom as a global leader in hydrogen production, while also creating thousands of new jobs and stimulating local economies.

These efforts reflect a broader global shift toward sustainable energy, offering a glimpse into the future of the hydrogen economy.

International collaboration is seen as a key factor in the project’s success. By working closely with leading global technology providers and energy firms like ACWA Power, NGHC is ensuring it remains at the forefront of green hydrogen production.

NEOM Green Hydrogen Company recently partnered with the Energy & Water Academy to train Saudi Arabia’s future green energy workforce. (NEOM photo)

Such partnerships are crucial for knowledge-sharing and innovation in the hydrogen sector. 

“ACWA Power and their experience, deep knowledge, and renewable power continues to be a source for us,” said Al-Ghamdi.

For Saudi Arabia, green hydrogen is more than just a tool for reducing emissions — it is a critical element of its Vision 2030 strategy to diversify the economy and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

“Saudi Arabia especially, the major countries of the G20, the decarbonizing and net-zero targets, are telling us that there is nowhere to go but to decarbonize,” said Al-Ghamdi.

“No one doubts that hydrogen is the fuel of the future.”


Germany, Turkiye at odds over migrant deportation deal

Germany, Turkiye at odds over migrant deportation deal
Updated 36 min 46 sec ago

Germany, Turkiye at odds over migrant deportation deal

Germany, Turkiye at odds over migrant deportation deal
  • Germany’s relations are sensitive with Turkiye, a fellow NATO member and home to Europe’s largest Turkish diaspora of some three million people

BERLIN: Germany said Friday it had agreed a plan with Turkiye under which Berlin will step up deportations of failed Turkish asylum seekers, but Ankara denied any such deal had been struck.
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser posted on X that “we have now reached a point where returns to Turkiye can be carried out more quickly and effectively and that Turkiye will more speedily take back citizens who are not allowed to stay in Germany.
“This is another building block in limiting irregular migration.”
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) daily reported that Turkiye had offered to soon take back up to 500 citizens per week on “special flights.”
In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said.
The FAZ report said the plan had been agreed after months of talks between the offices of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The German interior ministry declined to officially comment on the details of the reports when contacted by AFP.
But later Friday, Turkiye’s foreign ministry said the reports “regarding the return of our citizens who do not have a legal right to reside in Germany to Turkiye is not true.
“No practice of mass deportation of our citizens has been authorized,” a ministry spokesman said in a message on social media platform X.

There has been heated debate about irregular immigration in Germany and other EU member states.
Germany’s relations are sensitive with Turkiye, a fellow NATO member and home to Europe’s largest Turkish diaspora of some three million people.
Many of them are part of the wave of so-called “guest workers” invited to Germany in the 1960s and 1970s, and their descendants.
The Scholz government has been under heightened pressure after a series of violent crimes and extremist attacks committed by asylum seekers.
The debate has fueled the rise of the far-right and anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party a year ahead of national elections.
The FAZ reported that an initial 200 Turkish citizens would be flown out to Turkiye on several scheduled flights leaving from a number of airports.
Beyond that, it said Turkiye had offered to take back up to 500 citizens per week from Germany on what would be declared “special flights” rather than charter flights.
The daily said the number of Turkish asylum requests in Germany rose sharply last year, with most applicants declaring they were members of the Kurdish minority.
This year, Turkish citizens accounted for the third-largest number of requests for asylum, after those from Syria and Afghanistan.
However, only a small minority of recent applications by Turkish nationals have been successful.
According to Germany’s interior ministry, the number of Turkish nationals in Germany required to leave has topped 15,000.
However, fewer than 900 were deported last year and thousands received stays of deportation, often because they declared they lacked valid travel documents, FAZ said.


Iran’s foreign minister accuses Israel of using US bombs in Beirut

Iran’s foreign minister accuses Israel of using US bombs in Beirut
Updated 28 September 2024

Iran’s foreign minister accuses Israel of using US bombs in Beirut

Iran’s foreign minister accuses Israel of using US bombs in Beirut
  • Senior Hezbollah commanders were the target of Israel’s strike on the group’s central headquarters in Beirut’s suburbs on Friday

UNITED NATIONS: Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi accused Israel of using several US “bunker buster” bombs to strike Beirut on Friday.
“Just this morning, the Israeli regime used several 5,000-pound bunker busters that had been gifted to them by the United States to hit residential areas in Beirut,” he told a UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East.
Senior Hezbollah commanders were the target of Israel’s strike on the group’s central headquarters in Beirut’s suburbs on Friday, but it was too early to say whether the attack took out Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a senior Israeli official said on Friday.



Wrapping up mission, US troops will leave some longstanding bases in Iraq under new deal

Wrapping up mission, US troops will leave some longstanding bases in Iraq under new deal
Updated 28 September 2024

Wrapping up mission, US troops will leave some longstanding bases in Iraq under new deal

Wrapping up mission, US troops will leave some longstanding bases in Iraq under new deal
  • Under the plan, all coalition forces would leave the Ain Al-Asad air base in western Anbar province and significantly reduce their presence in Baghdad by September 2025

WASHINGTON: The US announced an agreement with the Iraqi government Friday to wrap up the military mission in Iraq of an American-led coalition fighting the Daesh group by next year, with US troops departing some bases that they have long occupied during a two-decade-long military presence in the country.
But the Biden administration refused to provide details on how many of the approximately 2,500 US troops still serving in Iraq will remain there or acknowledge it will mark a full withdrawal from the country.
“I think it’s fair to say that, you know, our footprint is going to be changing within the country,” Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Friday without providing specifics.
The announcement comes at a particularly contentious time for the Middle East, with escalating conflict between Israel and two Iranian-backed militant groups — Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza — threatening a broader regional war. Bases housing US forces and contractors have been regularly targeted by Iran-backed militias over the last several years, and those attacks intensified late last year and early this spring after the Israel-Hamas war broke out nearly a year ago.
For years, Iraqi officials have periodically called for a withdrawal of coalition forces, and formal talks to wind down the US presence in the country have been going on for months.
US officials who briefed reporters Friday said the agreement will bring about a two-phase transition in the troops assigned to Iraq that began this month. In the first phase, which runs through September 2025, the coalition mission against Daesh will end and forces will leave some longstanding bases.
Following the November election, American forces will start departing from Ain Al-Asad air base in western Iraq and from Baghdad International Airport, according to Iraqi government officials who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity. Those forces will be moved to Hareer base in Irbil, in northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region.
In the second phase, the US will continue to operate in some fashion from Iraq through 2026 to support counter-Daesh operations in Syria, a senior Biden administration official and a senior defense official said on the condition of anonymity on a call with reporters to provide details ahead of the announcement.
Ultimately, the US military mission would transition to a bilateral security relationship, the US officials said, but they did not indicate what that might mean for the number of American troops who remain in Iraq in the future.
The Iraqi officials said some American troops may stay at Hareer base after 2026 because the Kurdistan regional government would like them to stay.
“We have taken an important step in resolving the issue of the international coalition to fight Daesh,” Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani said in a speech this month. He noted “the government’s belief in the capabilities of our security forces that defeated the remnants of Daesh.”
The continued presence of US troops has been a political vulnerability for Sudani, whose government is under increased influence from Iran. Iraq has long struggled to balance its ties with the US and Iran, both allies of the Iraqi government but regional archenemies.
“We thank the government for its position to expel the international coalition forces,” Qais Khazali, founder of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq — an Iran-backed Iraqi Shia militia that has conducted attacks against US forces in Iraq — said last week.
But critics caution that this year’s surge of Daesh attacks in Syria across the desert border from Iraq suggest the drawdown in Iraq is a “really significant cause for concern,” said Charles Lister, a senior fellow with the Middle East Institute research center in Washington.
The US withdrawal from Iraq isn’t because Daesh has disappeared, Lister said. “The withdrawal is because there’s a significant proportion of the policy-making community in Baghdad that doesn’t want American troops on Iraqi soil.”
The agreement marks the third time in the last two decades that the US has announced a formal transition of the military’s role there.
The US invaded Iraq in March 2003 in what it called a massive “shock and awe” bombing campaign that lit up the skies, laid waste to large sections of the country and paved the way for American ground troops to converge on Baghdad. The invasion was based on what turned out to be faulty claims that Saddam Hussein had secretly stashed weapons of mass destruction. Such weapons never materialized.
The US presence grew to more than 170,000 troops at the peak of counterinsurgency operations in 2007. The Obama administration negotiated the drawdown of forces, and in December 2011, the final combat troops departed, leaving only a small number of military personnel behind to staff an office of security assistance and a detachment of Marines to guard the embassy compound.
In 2014, the rise of the Daesh group and its rapid capture of a wide swath across Iraq and Syria brought US and partner nation forces back at the invitation of the Iraqi government to help rebuild and retrain police and military units that had fallen apart and fled.
After Daesh lost its hold on the territory it once claimed, coalition military operations ended in 2021. An enduring US presence of about 2,500 troops stayed in Iraq to maintain training and conduct partnered counter-Daesh operations with Iraq’s military.
In the years since, the US has maintained that presence to pressure Iranian-backed militias active in Iraq and Syria. The presence of American forces in Iraq also makes it more difficult for Iran to move weapons across Iraq and Syria into Lebanon, for use by its proxies, including the Lebanese Hezbollah, against Israel.


Communication lost with Hassan Nasrallah, says source close to Hezbollah

Communication lost with Hassan Nasrallah, says source close to Hezbollah
Updated 28 September 2024

Communication lost with Hassan Nasrallah, says source close to Hezbollah

Communication lost with Hassan Nasrallah, says source close to Hezbollah

BEIRUT: Hezbollah’s head Hassan Nasrallah was unreachable following Israel’s strikes on Beirut’s southern suburbs on Friday evening, a source close to the Lebanese armed group told Reuters.
Hours after the strikes, Hezbollah had not made a statement on his fate. A source close to Hezbollah told Reuters Nasrallah was alive and Iran’s Tasnim news agency also reported he was safe. A senior Iranian security official told Reuters Tehran was checking his status.